SocialFi comes to Form: Introducing Roll Fun and Curves
With Curves and Roll Fun, SocialFi v1 arrives on Form mainnet
Key Points:
SocialFi on Form is here! Apps like Roll Fun and Curves bring the first concept of bonding curves and SocialFi to Form. This is the beginning of the next evolution of SocialFi.
Phase II Form points and incentives: 7% of the FORM allocation is going to users. We are giving the lion’s share of this to users of SocialFi apps like Roll Fun and Curves. Launch a token today to get points!
Invite Your Friends to the Roll fun’s Telegram: Introduce you and your community in Roll fun group to chat about launching tokens and connect with friends!
SocialFi on Form is here! Launch and trade tokens on Roll Fun and Curves to earn Form points for the upcoming FORM TGE. We are thrilled that Form is becoming a new home for SocialFi and can’t wait to decentralize the category with you guys.
Social tokens since 2018
It’s been the joy of our lives to help people launch tokens since 2018 on Roll and now in 2025 of Form. We started launching tokens before the category even had a name and now social tokens and SocialFi are the hottest thing in crypto.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll begin to heavily incentivize on-chain SocialFi activity on Form with Roll Fun, Curves and more apps to come. Now that we’re in Meditations Phase II, each Form user will receive Phase II points for creating and trading tokens on Roll Fun and Curves.
Reminder: 7% of the FORM allocation will go to Phase II users on Form mainnet and the best way to get Phase II points is creating and trading tokens on Roll Fun and Curves
Introducing Roll Fun
Roll was the original #1 social token app on Ethereum that connected the dots with and Uniswap to create what is now SocialFi. Apps like debuting in 2024 took all of these separate products and created one experience: tokens can now start off as bonding curve tokens and graduate to a fungible token with an LP position and a community.
We love this concept and think it’s the future of SocialFi. Form as SocialFi infrastructure will accelerate these ideas across social applications. Roll Fun is just the beginning.
To get started:
Head over to Roll Fun
Click Start a new coin
Enter your coin details
Hit Create Coin
And that’s it! You now have a live tradable token on the Form blockchain. When your token reaches 69k market cap, it will become an ERC20 and the LP will automatically port over to the Fibonacci DEX on Form. If you don’t have ETH on Form, head over to our homepage and click Bridge to bridge from Ethereum or use for L2 to L2 bridging.
Introducing Curves
Friendtech (RIP) arguably created the SocialFi category in 2023 with its innovative concept of token-gated groups within in app using a bonding curve. This was the first scaled social network using DeFi that created the term “SocialFi” and took crypto by storm.
Friendtech inspired us to go bigger and think through the idea of a blockchain for SocialFi apps. We’re grateful for their contribution to the category and see them as innovators.
The Curves app is inspired by Friendtech, same great features but incentivized forever on a chain-level by Form. Pay attention to how Curves evolves as it may become SocialFi infrastructure for new social apps on Form.
You can create groups on Curves and use different bonding curves for your community. For instance if you think you’ll have a larger group or just want to keep the price low, you can create a logarithmic curve that can handle many users. If you want to create a traditional group that can only handle a few dozen users, you can use the traditional bonding curve.
We created a quick group called “Formies Only” while writing this post using the log curves for large groups. Feel free to join below and say hi!
Final thoughts
SocialFi on Form is here! There’s a lot in store over the next few months and even weeks. Make sure you get an allocation of the Form Network by bridging and using on-chain apps on our mainnet. Launching and trading tokens on SocialFi apps like Roll Fun and Curves is the easiest way to do this and get Phase II Form points.
Keep pushing, keep grinding and well see you on Form!